In GitHub & BitBucket account when you add the new ssh key after deleting the old one, it still gives annoying "Key Already in Use" message - preventing user from adding the newly generated key. The way around to this is to generate another public key on your local machine and add it to your GitHub or BitBucket account, as shown on the step below:
> ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/personal // It will generate and personal (private) keys
> cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -sel clip
> cd ~/.ssh > touch config
path with following block of configuration:# Default GitHub Host HostName User rajsamvIdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa #Specify Git Hub to use the Newely Generated Host github-personal HostName User samvuWeb123 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/personal
USE: git clone git@github-personal:samvuWeb123/some-repository.git INSTEAD OF: git clone [email protected]:samvuWeb123/some-repository.git
remote url to point to:// Modify To: git@github-personal:samvuWeb123/EasyTyping123.git //INSTEAD OF: [email protected]:samvuWeb123/EasyTyping123.git
Thank you