To copy files to remote server use SCP (Secure copy) and SSH. Steps are listed below:
$ scp -P 2345 cat.mp4 [email protected]:/home/video #-P = indicate it is a port number [UPPERCASE P], 2345 is actual port number. #cat.mp4 = name of a file to copy #john = user on a remote server # = server IP Address #/home/video = folder on the remote server where the file cat.mp4 will be copied
$ scp -P 4567 -r photo_gallary [email protected]:/home/video -r = recursively copy all the files and folder inside photo_gallary
scp -P 4567 -r [email protected]:/home/john/SmallSites/resource /home/john/Desktop/
$ rsync -aruv photo_gallary [email protected]:/home/video