
Laravel 5.3 Cheat Sheet

Laravel 5.3 Artisan Commands

Available commands:

   //Remove the compiled class file
   php artisan clear-compiled

   //Put the application into maintenance mode
   php artisan down

   //Display the current framework environment
   php artisan env

   //Displays help for a command
   php artisan help

   //Lists commands
   php artisan list

   //Run the database migrations
   php artisan migrate

   //Optimize the framework for better performance
   php artisan optimize

   //Serve the application on the PHP development server
   php artisan serve

   //Interact with your application
   php artisan tinker

   //Bring the application out of maintenance mode
   php artisan up


   //Set the application namespace
   php artisan app:name


   //Flush expired password reset tokens
   php artisan auth:clear-resets


   //Flush the application cache
   php artisan cache:clear

   //Create a migration for the cache database table
   php artisan cache:table


   //Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
   php artisan config:cache

   //Remove the configuration cache file
   php artisan config:clear


   //Seed the database with records
   php artisan db:seed


   //Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration
   php artisan event:generate


   //Set the application key
   php artisan key:generate


   //Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes
   php artisan make:auth

   //Create a new Artisan command
   php artisan make:command

   //Create a new controller class
   php artisan make:controller

   //Create a new event class
   php artisan make:event

   //Create a new job class
   php artisan make:job

   //Create a new event listener class
   php artisan make:listener

   //Create a new email class
   php artisan make:mail

   //Create a new middleware class
   php artisan make:middleware

   //Create a new migration file
   php artisan make:migration

   //Create a new Eloquent model class
   php artisan make:model

   //Create a new notification class
   php artisan make:notification

   //Create a new policy class
   php artisan make:policy

   //Create a new service provider class
   php artisan make:provider

   //Create a new form request class
   php artisan make:request

   //Create a new seeder class
   php artisan make:seeder

   //Create a new test class
   php artisan make:test


   //Create the migration repository
   php artisan migrate:install

   //Reset and re-run all migrations
   php artisan migrate:refresh

   //Rollback all database migrations
   php artisan migrate:reset

   //Rollback the last database migration
   php artisan migrate:rollback

   //Show the status of each migration
   php artisan migrate:status


   //List all of the failed queue jobs
   php artisan queue:failed

   //Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
   php artisan queue:failed-table

   //Flush all of the failed queue jobs
   php artisan queue:flush

   //Delete a failed queue job
   php artisan queue:forget

   //Listen to a given queue
   php artisan queue:listen

   //Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
   php artisan queue:restart

   //Retry a failed queue job
   php artisan queue:retry

   //Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
   php artisan queue:table

   //Process the next job on a queue
   php artisan queue:work


   //Create a route cache file for faster route registration
   php artisan route:cache

   //Remove the route cache file
   php artisan route:clear

   //List all registered routes
   php artisan route:list


   //Run the scheduled commands
   php artisan schedule:run


   //Create a migration for the session database table


   //Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public"
   php artisan storage:link


   //Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages


   //Clear all compiled view files